Garden Harvest pt. 1

Happy Saturday, everyone!

Around February or so, Thomas started planting a small garden next to our house. A tree used to stand there, but it was taken out by “THE tree” (by that I mean the one that fell on our house way back when).

Here’s the garden when it first started, just a few boards and some dirt.

I won’t lie…this garden has NOTHING to do with me. I literally watered it once, so I want to make sure Thomas gets to take complete ownership and credit for the awesomeness:]

He just took this photo of the garden this morning, after we had harvested some of it’s veggies (which you’ll see below).

This morning, that blank space on the left was occupied by potatoes. Sadly, I got the idea for this post after Thomas had dug them all up, but all the same.

Here’s what he’s growing:





Note: Not pictured are Rosemary, lettuce, and peppers.

This isn’t growing in the garden, but is right beside it. It’s an esparanza, and I love it!

Also not in the garden, but still worth showing, Thomas’ birthday peach tree.

Here is today’s harvest, red and yellow potatoes, as well as a few zucchini. Aren’t they beautiful?!

As we harvest other things (tomatoes, lettuce, etc.) I’ll continue to photograph them with their grower.
